Our meetings

These resources include AGM minutes and reports that provide an unembellished view of our journey.

If you need any further help, please contact us.

AGM 2024

The meeting was held at the Yealmpton Community Centre at 18:00 on Tuesday 18 June 2024

AGM 2023

The AGM was held at the WI Community Hall, Newton Ferrers on Saturday 24 June 2023 at 2 pm. We were delighted to see so many members.

AGM 2022

The 2022 Annual General Meeting was held in the WI Community Hall in Newton Ferrers. Below you can read:

AGM 2021

The AGM was held via Zoom. See:

Extraordinary General Meeting 2020

The purpose of this meeting was to approve changes to the rules of the society, which required a 75% vote in favour at a quorate meeting.  The approval was unanimous with no abstentions.

AGM 2020

The 2020 AGM was held at 10 a.m. on Saturday 15 February 2020 at the WI Community Hall in Newton Ferrers, PL8 1AS.

AGM 2019

Read the minutes and see the presentation from the AGM 2019 (note the presentation is added as an annex to the minutes)

Get involved

We launched a community share offer in 2023 to fund the transfer of three nearby operational solar farms into community ownership. The offer is now closed.

It worked! - See more
Yealm Community Energy Bubble - Team
Yealm Community Energy Bubble - Town